The Power Within

A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment


Humanity is lost, and, unless it reconnects to source it will destroy itself.  The planet will be still and quiet like Mars and you will see only remnents of the past.  No bird will soar in the sky, no children will play in the park, there will simply be stillness and silence.

This book has come into fruition primarily by inspiration from Eckhart Tolle, Katie Byron, Steve Jobs, Spirit Science, Nicoli Tesla, Elon Musk, Yogananda Gupti and many more spiritual teachers and Zen masters over the past 8 years.  It represents my work as far as it can be conveyed in words and is a focused laser of destruction upon the many lies currently plaguing humanity.

To put it mildly, you have either astral projected out of your body in spirit form, or, you most likely do not understand how the universe works.  Which is wonderful, because, as Bashar has stated, this is Earth School and we are all here to learn.

Until my thirty second year of life on Earth I lived my life considering myself to be atheist/agnostic, vehemently arguing against the existence of the divine and how I knew it could not exist if I could not verify it to be so by touching, tasting, smelling, seeing, or hearing, at which time as I did ingest a powerful psychotropic and astral projected out of my body in spirit form, which, of course, is no form at all.

After you astral project out of your body in spirit form towards the ceiling to look down upon your body and see holy shafts of sunlight energy shoot from your forehead to the man next to you, you immediately know truth from experiencing truth first hand.  You immediately know holy to be real at a time when you did not believe in holy.

Thus, consequently, you have automatically experienced divine direction.  From this divine direction you learn to read all of Eckhart Tolle's books three to seven times and other texts in order to deeply understand what happened to you.  Once you do so you continue your journey from a world of conceptual understanding, of which is not understanding, to felt understanding of yourself, and by default, felt understanding of the Universe, of which we are all a part.

Quite simply, felt understanding of the Universe is tuning back into your own quantum electromagnetic field of which generates energy around you.  Taking ten days of Vipassana Caliber amounts of time to do this assists one with tuning back into their own quantum machine.  The reason humanity has not tuned back in is because they did not remember the amount of time they should be taking in order to relax back into their own energy field.

Felt understanding of the Universe is known understanding of the Universe.

This sounds vague and confusing for people as though it were a super natural process and a new goal we might all hope to achieve, when, in reality, it is simply felt oneness with being, felt oneness with source.

When you have taken ten days to listen to your own breathing you have started learning how to relax into your own energy field of which allows you to feel the energy generated by the field around you, of which allows you to realize how to push and pull this energy, also known as healing, of which allows you to feel the detrimental impacts of Bluetooth upon your head and heart first hand, to be able to feel how much better you sleep when the electricity is turned off, to be able to feel the caliber of Evian water, not from suggestions, not from hearsay or speculation, but, from tuning into your own electromagnetic field and having felt verification of an infinite amount of understandings, first hand.

These are all byproducts of becoming enlightened.  The goal is not to feel the dangers of 5g, or Bluetooth, or anything else, once you create a goal in your mind in order to achieve something else you've lost sight.  The goal is to let go of goals and allow the meditation to become an end in itself.  Knowing that simply relaxing is the goal, simply being able to take time, of which is an illusion, to relax by paying attention to your breath.  It sounds grand to many people, and, being able to feel the world around you after many years of practice is certainly astounding at times, however, it becomes secondary to your current state of presence, your current state of peace.

It will sound astounding when you speak things about free energy and how you could know these things, didn't Tesla speak with aliens?  Yes, they're here, more importantly, have you mastered your own quantum machine?  Have you gone within?  When you go within you can master your own quantum machine and blink to other planets also known as Astral Projection and shift into one of their race in order to visit them as they do humans on a regular basis.

There's no way humans would ever know or find them, they need machines and tools to search when Arcturians have mastered their own quantum machines and operate 100 times faster than humans.  A hundred times faster means we know you started thinking about taking a walk around the block to think about us before you start to walk around the block and then some, of course.  It means we can mold and shape reality.  Does this mean humans can not?  No, it means they're vibrating at lower frequencies because of eating to much meat & diary.  Many humans think this is an opinion and that we're being mean, those of course are opinions, when, in reality, we are being factual.  The moment you astral project out of your body in spirit form off of meat & dairy verses on meat & dairy is the moment you feel the destruction done by the products first hand.  Not from hearsay.



It is what as we walk around your species makes us benevolent observers.  We observe how you are in a lower state of anger caused primarily by meat & dairy of which does not allow your energy to flow as you'd like it to so you easily become infuriated and lose control of your emotions as a human species.

Eckhart Tolle says, you can base your current state of enlightenment on your current state of peace, and, this is true.

Are you blaming an external situation for the emotions in your body?  Have you in your mind created the illusion of justified anger as 99% of the human race currently has?  Stating, because of XYZ it is my right to be angry with reactive energy to defend your right to be angry?  Don't worry, no one is going to take away your right to be angry, however, perhaps you might ask yourself, do you want to be angry, and, did you realize it is a choice?

Most haven't realized, as a human species that, yes, we are attacking the meat & dairy industry because, yes we want it and Exxon Mobil to die, are we angry about the situation?  No, we are not, we are calm.  Why are you not calm is the question.  The answer is, you believe death of your company implies death of you because of the concept of dropping stocks of which as a human species you're attached.

The irony being?  The very attachment to these created systems is what is causing your entire species to remain where it is instead of everyone living as they please.  When your companies die, and, someday, they of course, will, and you will be lost as to what you might do just as Netscape, Blockbuster, Radio Shack, more recently Toy's R' Us, Sears.  Decay is natural, it's not sad, the sooner this system dies the sooner everyone can discover free energy removes the concept of money from your world.  As, once there are resources in abundance for all it is at that moment a species' mission objective moves from waking up in the morning to ask what they can do for themselves in order to cash a pay check to what they can do for the world.  From how I can only help myself and my family to how I can Juan Luke Picard the Universe and wake up for something more than a paycheck.  As though this were not possible.  Of course it's not in a world where there is the illusion of limited resources over which the majority of the planet is forced to fight.

Do you want this world of chaos for you and your children to come?  Would you not, if you could, wave your hand and create a world of peace for everyone doing so now?  Yes.  At the core of every human who has ever walked the face of Earth is the desire for peace, no matter if he or she has discovered this yet or not.  It can be no other way.  Did Adolf Hitler want peace?  Of course.  Did he find peace in his previous life?  Probably not.  Does this mean his spirit will never find peace?  No.

Allow death and you will release yourself from death.  Allow your companies to die and see what comes from them, better yet, take your power and move into a new industry of discovering how to create free energy for the planet and thereby transform into a butterfly from your current state.  Is your current state wrong or bad?  No, it is simply your current state of which is destroying the planet which is why we desire it to now on Earth change as we're more interested in the planet than we are the human species.  That's right.  We want you to either live in a state of harmony on the planet or not be on the planet at all.  Crazy, you're all going to be so mad now that you won't have 40 to 80 hours a week to waste at the made up concept of the stock market anymore because after we teach everyone how to use free energy you'll all be able to live in a crystal palace and do whatever you please.

For what would we charge if it cost nothing to plow the fields?  For what would we charge if it costs nothing to deliver the goods?  To keep the lights on?  And so on goes the domino chain reaction of benevolency in your world of which we seek to spread across the universe giving you freely this information on how to evolve from stuck in fossil fuel humanity to living freely humanity.

As now you know and understand that tuning into your own quantum machine of which as a spirit you now inhabit in order to move from i Think to i Know, as it can be no other way.  The state of humanity for the last several thousand years?  Learning everything other than their own quantum machine.  Mastering everything other than themselves.  Have you mastered yourself?  Did you know your body was literally a quantum machine?  Have you taken ten days to listen to your breath?  To tune into your core being?  To become enlightened.

Humans have forgotten to master themselves first and because of this the vast majority of their attention as Eckhart Tolle has stated is outside of their body and they do not recognize such things as detrimental frequencies because they are not tuned in to their own frequencies enough to have verification first hand.

Enlightenment literally means to see clearly, clear seeing.  Once you tune back into your own quantum machine, you will feel the energy around you, and, of course, you will most certainly see clearly from feeling.  You will have moved from conceptual information of which you think you know to feeling how things are first hand and knowing for certain.  Conceptual information is fine, however, one must understand knowing the molecular structure of salt will never allow you to understand salt, only tasting salt will allow you to understand salt, and, no amount of words will ever allow you to experience this phenomenon.

Much is the same for feeling Bluetooth for yourself.  You have tuned into your being and feel your being first hand, so, you know from feeling the technology that the technology is detrimental to humans first hand, and, from feeling, comes understanding.  This divine direction comes automatically from felt understanding, as, it can be no other way.

Humanity has forgotten it must literally tune into it's own being by paying attention to the energy in the body, feeling the energy in the body and allowing the thousands of thoughts in their minds to gently subside by relaxing into the energy in their body.

Once one has moved from the conceptual world of conceptual information in order to verify validity to feeling first hand, one has become enlightened.  Feeling is knowing, as it can be no other way.

This is why Eckhart Tolle asked me to close my eyes and see if I could feel the energy in my hands, it's there, all you have to do is look.  This allows humans, who are normally lost in the fifty five to sixty five thousand thoughts per day, to move from lost in thinking to feeling the energy around them.  Once you begin to feel the energy around you, bringing your attention to this energy literally allows one to energize this field.

In other words, paying attention to your energy, your energy field, your electromagnetic field, is healing.

To the thoughts in the mind enlightened master sounds like a lot, a great feat one might post on their resume, and, of course, this would be fine, and, it is a great feat, however, it is simply felt oneness with being.

It is simply feeling the energy created by your own electromagnetic field.  Once you tune into the energy created by your own electromagnetic field you have started the journey towards enlightenment.

You have begun to move from thinking towards feeling.  Thus, by feeling, knowing, as it can be no other way.

Humans are caught in conceptual thinking and do not understand feeling, and, consequently, have no understanding what so ever.  This is clearly illustrated by people on Quora illustrating the conceptual information about Bluetooth instead of being tuned into to their being enough to feel the detrimental impacts of the technology upon the human head and heart first hand.

This is an aspect of enlightenment.  Feeling is knowing, as it can be no other way.

How do I feel my own energy within?

Simply close your eyes and see if you can feel the aliveness in your hands.  This feeling of aliveness is the power within.

In order to bring us as a human race from completely lost to a world of peace, we will illustrate truths about the universe from tuning into the universe and experiencing truth first hand.

There exist many worlds of which no longer have concepts such as business, money or stocks.  These worlds have evolved past the current state of humanity.  Humanity, such as many other races, is at the fighting like children over a perceived lack of resources in the sandbox with other children stage.  It has not become wise enough to harness the true power of pizeo-electricity granting free energy for all humans and essentially what we could call real money for all humans instead of what we might call mediocre money the entire human species currently see's as a whole.

Deep Contrast of this truth has been illustrated here:  Death Watch

On one hand you have an entire company attempting to claw it's way into the software market of OS7 going no where but 90 days away from bankruptcy to the STARK contrast of iPod, iPad, iPwn.  Yet, we still do not understand why the one divine is asking the question, who with a show of hands here has taken acid nor why this question would be important in regards to anything more than becoming caught in a reality distortion field.

For, if becoming caught in a reality distortion field is what creates the highest valued company in the world, clearly we need more of these reality distortion field people.  Clearly as Eckhart Tolle was told that we didn't need more about the Now that Ram Dass and so many others had covered this, clearly this is not the case.

Though the concept of money may indeed be destroyed you can imagine how much a solid crystal palace might sell for if you had the understanding of the universe required for it to be created.  You do not, of course, otherwise, we would see crystal palaces all over your planet much as we do on our own planet.

Which brings us to channeling.  All of the beings on multiple different planets are assisting with channeling this message to Earthlings right now, the funny part is, all of us are able to naturally use the quantum machine of our brain in order to do this while humans, even though they have created devices called televisions of which do the very same thing, find it impossible to believe their quantum brain of which transfers 74 terabytes of the highest definition video this world has ever seen, has this capability.  Of course it has this ability.  Simply because the human race has collectively fallen to a state where this part of the brain has become weaker from lack of use, they believe it to not exist.  This is the intelligence of the human race.  Non existent.  


Humans are in what we call the transition cripple crutches stage of evolution where they have yet to increase their brain power 100 times faster as many other races have.  Because of this fact, they require technology.  This is simply a stage in growth of which we have overcome.  You too will overcome this stage or as the Martians, you too will destroy your planet.

How do we know your true desire as a human species?  It is because we have evolved past your current state of evolution into our current state of being.

Currently we all live in The Crystal Palace on Pleiadia, as is the same with the Arcturians & Essassani.

Humans want to live freely in the crystal palace as well instead of being forced to work 40 hours a week dying in 80 to 90 years believing this to be a long period of time.

Jane has been sitting in your woods like Detective Dee & The Four Heavenly Kings for 500 years without moving or breathing.

What you think you understand about life as a human race verses how things actually work is as stark as the Marvel Comic movie entitled Dr. Strange.

In this bi opic we take the smartest man on planet Earth and show how he's just an absolute genius at everything he does in this world down to how well he can save people, and, this is good, however, he is still lost.

Amazingly, humanity literally negates the vibration of what you as a species consider magic by solidifying a belief of it not being so in your mind.  This lower frequency literally negates magic because humans are part of the divine and what they think as ION's has proven literally manifests their reality because all minds are part of the divine construct.  So, if an entire city does not believe in super natural abilities they will have had manifested the very definition of a lower vibrating paradigm.  Of course, if your brain were 100 times faster than it is right now, it would most certainly look and feel like magic.

Let's talk about how that happens, because, you would assume, (as a human species of course because humans always think things are so very complex when in reality they're not), however, as a human species you would assume this to be quite difficult when in reality it is quite simple.  You have perhaps heard we do not eat or sleep anymore and this is true, however, you do not want to jump from where you are to where we are and cause yourself problems.  This stunning painting captures the essence of your soon to be journey as a human race of which you can slowly take one step at a time.

High Vibration Diet

Now of course, the current problem with humanity is, density.  Joking around this sounds funny, humans are to dense, however, this is 100% accurate on a factual level.  Eating meat and dairy literally causes your mind to operate slower as it takes longer to digest.  After cutting out dairy for 30 days I observe a massive increase in brain power not because I have grown more intelligent, but simply because the machine runs more smoothly.

Humans wonder why other races only channel messages instead of coming down to Earth, not that we haven't come down to Earth, but, why we're not to exited to come to Earth has been best illustrated by Spirit Science.

Humans currently believe a great deal of things of which are simply not true, humans believe they need to slave away working 40 hours a week for the rest of their lives fighting over concepts created such as stocks, bonds & money.

Of course on Pleiadia we have none of that as we've remembered how to harness the power of the crystal in order to create any power we might ever need of which would feed everyone and put everyone on the planet in the most beautiful structures you could ever imagine, elevating humanity from a vibration of wasting time, to, freedom for all.

Now you waste your time fighting over resources like children in a sandbox.  Of course, because you have yet to learn how to create infinite energy and or believe you don't want the world to ascend to a higher vibration utilizing this energy so as you can continue wasting the planets resources fighting over that which is not needed because of a lack of understanding in regards to how things work.

This document illustrates my own personal experience which comes from felt understanding and how felt understanding is known understanding, as, it can be no other way.

Why are you not an enlightened master?

You are like Dr. Strange, you have mastered everything outside of your body but have yet to instill the discipline of a 10 Day Vipassana Caliber amount of time simply listening to your breath.  Bringing your awareness to your breath and consequently into the energy field of your own body.  We hesitate to use the word discipline, as, it is not work, it is learning true relaxation simply from listening to your own quantum machine for ten days straight.  Have you done this?  Of course you have not, which is why you have not tuned into the universe of which you are a part.  We want to call it the universal divine, but, you have yet to experience your own divinity and are probably as we were, not believing divinity to exist.  So, for now, we will keep it ultra simple so as to leave the door open for anyone who is ready to master their own quantum machine of which is most certainly truly divine.  Believe it or not.

You are unaware that you are in the most powerful quantum computer on the planet and have yet to tap into the abilities in your own body.

You have yet to master yourself.

You have yet to learn how to blink from one location to another also known as astral projection.

You have yet to even believe this is an ability of which you're capable in this world and are extremely likely to call this natural ability Satanic or otherwise.  As though Jesus did not say, truly I tell you, greater things than these so shall ye do.  As though Jesus did not come and teach 12 disciples how to heal.  As though all reading this document do not have these natural abilities simply because you are here as a human being and it is only a matter of time before we reach you all in order to awaken you to these abilities so you too can experience true liberation.

Experienced felt understanding of which is known understanding.  Clear understanding of which is clear seeing.  Enlightenment.  To see clearly.  In your mind this is some giant feat, and, indeed the amount my knowledge has gone up is 1 Infinite Loop in nature.  For, as you have a solidified foundation of Universal Law its superstructure automatically permeates through out the heavens as though it were self manifest, and, of course, it is.  The foundation laid the path towards liberation in understanding.  Once you glean universal understanding it is only through letting go of universal understanding.  To be enlightened is to know, yes, there is much to learn, however, have you let go of the desire to need to learn?  Have you let go of the addiction to learning in order to release the vibration of desire from your being.  Of which, if you want to call it, by irony, allows you to DEEPLY TRAVERSE THE MASTICON OF INFORMATION LYING IN THE DEPTHS OF YOUR TRUE BEING.  Instead of the surface waters of which 99% of humanity currently exists.  The Akashic records are inherant to human DNA and at anytime by one who has mastered their quantum computer, are accessable.  Humans at this point believe these things to be opinions because they have not tuned back into their quantum machine enough to KNOW Evian caliber water is superior for certain.  They have not tuned back into their own quantum machine enough to FEEL the detrimental impacts of Bluetooth

All humans have the ability to blink from one location to another, you can call it cheese if it makes you feel better about the subject.  The fact of the matter is, have you mastered the ability to blink from one location to another or are you the group of humans of which have existed on this planet for thousands of years who do not believe in such things?  The fact of the matter is, Jane and many others can astral project at will, but, as we stated, she hasn't moved for 500 years.

The point being not to create a goal in your mind to rush out and read everything you can about astral projection because of how cool it is to blink to your friends house, but, to illustrate that which you do not understand in this universe and how lost you are in order to give you a perspective in regards to where you are capable of going.  What you are capable of doing.

This begins with shifting from thinking, to feeling.  Feeling is knowing, it can be no other way.

The universal divine is not concerned with anyone astral projecting, it simply wants you to learn how to deeply relax.

As it is simply listening to your own breathing for ten days straight in order to deeply tune into your own being and by knowing your own essence knowing the universe of which we are all a part.

Once you know the universe of which we are all apart you immediately know the direction for all that is as because you have DEEPLY tuned in with all that is around you simply by tuning into yourself.

You have consequently garnered the illusion of Divine Direction for all of humanity as you see all of humanity simply lost.  You do not have any abilities they do not, however, you simply see their current state of mind as you see the contrast in how your current state of mind once existed.  It isn't we started thinking about Divine Direction and how we might attain this, we simply have it known by tuning into our own being, our own source.  Just the very same as Divine Direction will automatically be known once you tune into your own divine being of which you are.

It is with much love and appreciation one is able to illustrate the current insanity of the Human Race by breaking free from the insanity as another, Eckhart Tolle, has taught us to do.  We will illustrate this Experience now.

Until our 32nd life on Earth we did not believe in anything we could not touch, taste, see, smell or hear and vehemently considered ourselves ahiest/agnostic, not that we currently find ourselves under an umbrella tree of Dogma as though how things are would ever change verses the several catagories some feel they must be labeled a part.  This very feeling of needing to label ones self will keep ones self away from true liberation.  I need I need I want I want.  Who knows this?  The essence of enlightenment is I am not one who wants or needs I am one who has and is.

Until my 32nd year of life on Earth I did not believe in the super natural, until which time as I did astral projection out of my body in spirit form, of which is no form, to look down upon my body and see my body sitting in a Kung Fu like position sending holy beams of sunlight shooting energy to the man next to me knowing only I had the intention to send him holy healing energy at a time when I did not believe in holy healing energy.  I later understood he was able to set his intention upon me thereby directing my intention to him simply because he had gained the laser focus to do exactly what was happening to me.

In other words, he was a shaman priest showing me how to set intention, showing me how to send holy healing energy simply with intention at a time when I did not believe in holy healing energy.

Once someone shows you how to do this, you automatically know how to do the same exact thing for another as you have felt intention and know exactly how to push this same feeling.

Thus you have become trained in how to heal yourself and how to heal others.

Never did he say a word about any of this in the several months I was with him.  I simply went on a no meat diet unknowingly because it was all he had to eat, of which allowed me to float out of my body.

Once you float out of your body you feel everything that happened.  Before you have heard the term chakras or kundalini you FEEL FIRST HAND a massive explosion of power from the base of your spine in a way you have NEVER FELT IN 32 YEARS indeed spin up your spine in a serpent like pattern.  You indeed do feel seven areas of energy along your spine spin for the first time in 32 years of your life at a time when you have never heard the term CHAKRAS.  You indeed do ASTRAL PROJECT at a time when you have not heard the term astral project and know not what to label anything of which has happened to you.

In other words, words, are wonderful for pointers, however, words are not going within.  It is actually learning to allow words and thoughts be let go in your mind for ten days straight of which will allow you to EXPERIENCE ASTRAL PROJECTION FIRST HAND VS having hersay about the subject you think to be true.  EXPERIENCING THE DIVINE to KNOW THE DIVINE.

Which brings us to all of you here on planet Earth and how you are in deep shit.

You are in a deep shit you put yourselves into directly or indirectly or simply part of your natural stage of evolution, however you would like to look at the subject is of course irrelevant as it only creates more of your current problem, and, that is, the need to blame.  The need to blame at any time is utterly and wholely a weakness as it is only done by lower vibrating races such as humans.  They believe in something of which does not exist, Justified Anger, The Illusion of Justified Anger.

At any given time, the Ego, as illustrated by Eckhart Tolle, will use external situations as an excuse to be mad.  It will be the African American CNN Anchor who is furious about the black man who was killed by a police office, and, the Ego will use this situation as justification to remain angry.  He will get on TV and spread this anger like a virus so intensely that another African American black man will see this anger and also become infected with the illusion of Justified Anger, climb a building, and kill five police officers.

All as a part of a cycle, Jesus, myself, and many others have been attempting to break.  Break The Cycle.

A world of One Love is not one of spreading hate.  When you spread hate, hate will spread.  When you spread love, love will spread.  It can be no other way, it will be no other way.

Are you inviting the world around you or are you in a state of defensiveness?  A state of denial of your true state as most humans currently exist.  Constantly online addicted to the next thing of which to be outraged in a continual cycle of outrage about this or that in a deep mental state of addiction to low angry energy from a parasitic race of Alien Greys feeding off of your low energy on a spiritual level you do not understand because you have yet to take ten days to tune back into your own being and instead are lost in the world, have not overcome the world as Jesus states, and, gone within, Truly I tell you the kingdom of Heaven is Within, it is, it is TEN DAYS WITHIN.

After TEN DAYS WITHIN you will have tuned back into the UNIVERSAL DIVINE as it can be no other way, and, anything you do and say you will realize is the same vibrational frequency of he who has tuned back into the UNIVERSAL DIVINE.

Chapter 1.  Felt Understanding VS Conceptual Understanding

After you have tuned back into your own essence, you will move from thinking to feeling.

Thinking is being stuck in a conceptual understanding of the Universe, of which, is no understanding at all.

Do you understand salt when you know the molecular structure of salt?  Will any conceptual understanding of salt ever allow you to truly understand the substance?

Of course the answer is no, only tasting salt will allow you to understand salt.  Nothing will ever change this universal law of how things work.

Feeling is knowing Bluetooth to be detrimental to your head and heart as you can literally feel the destructive wave.  Verses posting the conceptual information online.

Once you have left the form of your body in the formless of which you are to float above your body and see holy beams of shafting sunlight energy shoot from your head to the man next to you, you know what is real and what is illusion.

You understand why Steve Jobs would ask, who with a show of hands who here has taken acid, who with a show of hands here has degaussed their OWN electromagnetic field in such a way as to be able to perceive the energy around said field and move said energy at will.

This is called magic.

Divine Direction is illustrated on this planet no more in business than it has been with Apple Computers.  Most human beings, and, including the book written about Steve Jobs as it was, believe he was at times lost in a reality distortion field.  They did not take his first and foremost question seriously at Universities.  With a show of hands who here has taken acid was the question.  Why would Steven Paul Jobs ask this question?  It is literally in order to see what type of audience he's speaking to, who has experienced the divine and who has not.  The fact of the matter is, acid degausses your electromagnetic field in such a way so as to allow one to perceive the energy around this field first hand.

You have yet to master your own quantum machine, I know, I thought I was a rocket scientist too until I astral projected out of my body, at that time I IMMEDIATELY lost all interest in technology.  I thought to myself, if my body is capable of this, who cares about computers?

I was right.

After reading The Power of Now, Stillness Speaks and A New Earth 3 to 7 times I have learned how to deeply tune into my own being of which is the same as tuning into the universe of which we are all a part.

This is why the speaking from an enlightened master, or, one who has tuned back into themselves deeply, is of divine direction.

It is of divine direction we speak of now.

Humanity is at a crossroads.  It must choose a stark decision, evolve or die.  It is unaware that the planet is aware of it's existence and may be in the process of removing us from the planet as Eckhart Tolle stated with perhaps a fever or making everyone infertile.  We understand very few humans have taken the time to tune back into their own quantum machine and thus have not been clearly communicating with the universe, but, instead, have been focused on external events such as work etc.

Believe it or not, humanity is stuck in the Manipura Chakra of Power, Exxon/Mobil has acquired a massive amount of power and lust for power makes one believe they desire to maintain this power consequently causing them cancer because they never allow themselves to rise to the next chakra of which is love.  Love is the heart Chakra or Anahata, and, one embraces love by giving away the power they have built freely.

This sounds like a stunning concept to most of humanity as this does not happen as much as we would like it be, however, the problem is this.  Digging into the planet for fossil fuels is a complete waste of time when you understand how things work in the universe as a species.  Clearly you do not.  We do not even have to argue if the digging is good or is not good for the planet, we already know it is not good if it is a waste of time.  If it is a waste of time that must directly mean it is a waste of energy which automatically means it is not good for the planet.  So directly or indirectly, however you would like to view the issue, it is not good for the planet.  The true answer is of course both directions are bad for the planet.

Humans are not yet evolved enough to believe they care about this fact.  They however, most certainly do.

Unless humans transition to free energy in this world, they will do exactly as the Spirit Science videos illustrate and wipe themselves out as they were on Mars.

After you have tuned back into your own body to learn how to push and pull energy with your own body you immediately know why Jesus would obtain 12 individuals one from each sign in the Zodiac in order to balance Earth, Wind, Fire & Water.

If Then statements automatically domino in your mind creating the foundation of which self manifests the superstructure.

All law permeates throughout all that is, in other words, this law of balancing Earth, Wind, Fire & Water is not only limited to healing as humans, but, it also pertains to piezoelectricity and the rate at which this technology can be magnified.

Instead of using one crystal, if you take one from each sign and cut them into their respective platonic solids, you will deeply balance these elements in such a way as to allow energy to be more highly concentrated.